What type of toothbrush and toothpaste should I use?

Buy toothbrushes with soft bristles. Medium and firm ones can damage teeth and gums. Use soft pressure, for 2 minutes, two times a day.

Both powered and manual toothbrushes clean teeth well. Manual brushes with mixed bristle heights or angled bristles clean better than those with all flat, even bristles. Powered toothbrushes may be easier if you have trouble using your hands.

Most toothpastes will clear away bacteria growth and acids from food and drinks. Toothpastes with the American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of Acceptance always have fluoride, which strengthens and protects teeth. If you want a non-fluoride option, stores carry toothpastes and powders made with natural ingredients that don’t have ADA testing and approval.

If cold or hot food or drinks make you cringe, pick a toothpaste for sensitive teeth and let your dentist know.

Do I really need to floss?

Set a reminder to replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months. Toss it sooner if the bristles look bent or splayed out. Bent bristles don’t clean as well. (They’re also a sign you may be brushing too hard.)

There’s no getting around the need to get around your teeth daily with dental floss. It clears food and plaque from between teeth and under the gumline. If you don’t, plaque hardens into tartar, which forms wedges and widens the space between teeth and gums, causing pockets. Over time, gums pull away and teeth loosen.

Either waxed or unwaxed floss will do the job. Using floss picks or interdental brushes is another easy option.

Regular exams help spot trouble early to prevent bigger and more costly treatments later.

A dental hygienist will start by cleaning buildup from your teeth. Then the dentist will probe spots on the surfaces and near the gumline with special tools. If it’s been a while between appointments, you may have some sore and sensitive areas.

You should get an exam every 6 months, or more often if your dentist recommends it. Find one who makes you feel at ease and lets you know what to expect. Often the dread of seeing the dentist turns to big relief when the visit is over and you have a care plan set up. Being positive as a parent can help your kids overcome any of their fears.

Does a rinse or mouthwash help?

Mouthwashes for cavity protection, sensitivity, and fresh breath may help when you use them with regular brushing and flossing — but not instead of daily cleanings. Your dentist can recommend the best type for you.

Some people need twice-daily rinses for gum health or alcohol-free washes for dry mouth.

Kids under 6 shouldn’t use mouthwash to avoid the chance of them swallowing it.

What Is An Oral Surgeon?

An oral surgeon is a dental professional who specializes in the treatment of disease associated with the jaws, teeth, mouth and face. The services provided by an oral surgeon vary from simple tooth extractions to potentially more complicated jaw reconstructive procedures. Although it is program dependent, oral surgeons spend an extra 4-8 years in dental school to develop their expertise and be fully trained. Further, many go through residency training programs.

How Long Does An Oral Surgery Last?

Oral surgeries are usually scheduled for one day and are completed in a few hours. Depending on the procedure and the anesthesia that the surgeon administers, you may need to stay a few hours longer to recover.

How Long Is Recovery From Oral Surgery?

While the complete healing process will take a few weeks, the post oral surgery recovery period is relatively quick. You should plan to rest for at least 2 days after surgery. Your dentist or oral surgeon will give you more in-depth instructions, but you should expect to take 2 days to recover and to abstain from physical activity for a minimum of 2-3 days. After 2-3 days of healing, you should plan to be able to routine to your normal routine.

How Long Does The Pain Last After Oral Surgery?

Many patients biggest fear about oral surgery is the pain that can be expected afterwards. How much pain you can expect after surgery can vary depending on how extensive the procedure was that you had done. Your dentist or surgeon will prescribe the pain medication necessary to help you recover comfortably.